Muay Thai training is not different from other kinds of sport. The trainee need a discipline and train regularly with a strict and intensive program. The trainee has to listen to what his trainer says.
Here, we have information that you need for Muay Thai kickboxing training. Our information is for everybody who interests in Muay Thai including trainers, boxers, trainees and Muay Thai lovers. br>
Important Elements in Muay Thai Boxing Training
Thare are 10 basic elements in Muay Thai traning to build up the skills and abilities to become succesful in Thai boxing.
Warming up - Warming up is an important part of the Muay Thai training. This can help waking up the muscle, making them more flexible, and loosing the joint, so the body is ready for the heavy training.
- Building Endurance - If you just getting started in Muay Thai boxing training, it should take about 6-8 weeks of Muay Thai kickboxing training for a new student to reach the point where he can have a good enough endurance.
- Training Session Duration - Muay Thai training session length should not be too short or too long to prevent the counterproductive effect of over training or under training. For the beginners, the Muay Thai boxing training should not be too long. The length should not be more than two hours for a single session. If you are the trainer, you should make sure that the trainee is not too tired which can result in muscle pain or damage in muscle tissue.
- Physical Ability Limits - Different Boxers have different limitations and they need different resting period to recover from exhaustion.
- Physical Strength This is one of the important requirement for Muay Thai boxing training. Therefore, a boxer should work on the strength. After the boxer’s strength increase, speed and endurance will increase also.
- Persuasive Powers The teacher or trainer has to prepare the new type of training for him so that he does not become bored with the training
- Intensity An increase in intensity of the training exercises can increase a strength and ability. However, when the intensity of training increase, the length of the session should decrease proportionately
- Special Exercises This exercise can help develop the physical strength, flexibility, and relaxation. The exercise should be practice after training sessions.
- Massage Massage can help increase blood circulation and reduce stress.
- Regular Exercise This exercise help increase the physical capabilities. The examples of regular exercises are shadow boxing, workouts with the punching bag, etc.
Muay Thai Training Program
Muay Thai Training Program - This is the sample 6 week training program for the person who interests to compete in the Muay Thai Tournament or Muay Thai Competition. This program was used to train Muay Thai national boxing in the World Muay Thai Competition.
More information about Thai Kickboxing Training